Nice Apollo XBA8 Green/Red Traffic Light Module for L-Bar and M-Bar Gate Openers

This module makes your barrier shine red and green, signaling oncoming traffic when it is safe to pass through the barrier. Designed for M-Bar and L-Bar barrier gate operators.
Part Number: XBA8
$128.67 each
$128.67 each


Nice Apollo XBA8 Green/Red Traffic Light Module for L-Bar and M-Bar Gate Openers

Your Nice Apollo barrier gate opener will shine bright in both the dark and daylight with the XBA8 traffic module. This small contraption will allow your L-Bar or M-Bar gate operator to flash green and red.

The XBA8 red/green flashing LED kit installs easily in the operator lid. Created specifically for the XBA3 control board.

Integrate the Nice Apollo XBA8 traffic light into M-Bar and L-Bar barrier gate openers to create a safe traffic area.

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Operator Compatibility Apollo L & M Bars
Product Type Light(s)
Manufacturer Nice Apollo Gate Operators
Condition New
Color White